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The Sir Roy G. Biv  Foundation Trust

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Empowering Minds, Healing Hearts, Transforming Healthcare

Welcome to The Sir Roy G. Biv Foundation Trust, where the colors of the rainbow symbolize our commitment to a brighter, healthier future. We are more than a healthcare marketplace—we are the harbingers of a new era in healthcare, where innovation meets purpose, and the needs of patients take center stage.

Founded on the principles of the Great Awakening, The Sir Roy G. Biv Foundation Trust embodies a movement toward enlightened care, one that transcends the traditional boundaries of healthcare.  Our focus is on providing pharmacy, health & wellness,  and beauty products and services, including cybersecurity professional services, but our vision stretches far beyond.  We are pioneering the integration of healthcare into the Metaverse, i.e., the Healthcare Metaverse™, a bold step forward that aligns with the growing demand for digital, immersive experiences, powered by Living Oil™, which is patient information, that being data, energy in its most purest form.


The Great Awakening is about more than awareness—it’s about action.  At The Sir Roy G. Biv Foundation Trust, we are committed to transforming healthcare by making it more accessible, personalized, and responsive to the needs of today’s families.  As we move forward, our mission remains clear: to deliver exceptional care that embraces the possibilities of the future, ensuring that every child can thrive in a world that is as vibrant and diverse as the colors of the rainbow.

Join us on this journey toward a new dawn in healthcare, where the convergence of technology and compassion creates endless opportunities for growth, healing, and hope.

Stay tuned, my dear friends, as we embark on this extraordinary journey together. The best is yet to come!

With boundless hope and endless love.

The Sir Roy G. Biv Foundation Trust

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